Sunday, May 15, 2005

Wendy's is the new McDonalds!

Whenever I was going for a fast food meal in England, I always went to McDonalds for their chicken nuggets, with curry sauce. Imagine my dismay when we moved here and I found that McDonalds here do not have curry sauce at all, and the staff just gave me a blank look when I asked for it. Was this the end of fast food for me?

No! We have now discovered a new dip at Wendy's. It is called Chipottle sauce. The first time they offered it among a choice of 3 dips, we didn't understand the word at all, and by the 3rd time the waitress had said it we just gave up and took something else. But the next time we went there we decided to be more adventurous and just try it anyway. So now we know the name, and even the taste, but still have no idea what it is exactly. All I can say is it is delicious, and so Wendy's has become my favourite fast food place.


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