The Fat Lady Has Sung!
This time we went to The Cubby Bear to watch. It was a bit strange. The place was pretty busy for the start of the game - all the tables were taken. But by the end a lot of people had left, so that only about half the numbers were still there. There was a lot of cheering and shouting when they won, but then almost everyone got up to leave within 10 minutes of the end. No-one seemed to be hanging around to celebrate. Out in the carpark there was more shouting, and one guy was running around waving a broom (because it had been a clean sweep!). But it was a lot different from what I was expecting. I had been in France when they won the football World Cup in 1996, and the atmosphere in the bars and on the streets that night was amazing. Everyone stayed out to party for a long time after the match was over. And in England any pub would have been packed to standing room only for such a big game, and again everyone would have hung around afterwards for as long as possible. On the TV they kept saying how long Chicago has been waiting for this day, the last time any Chicago team won it was 1917.
I saw the news today and it looked like Chicago itself had more celebrations, so at least someone was partying!